Driving Guides
Our Driving Guide blog section provides articles related to driving a car or van.
Whether you're new to driving or vastly experienced, there are plenty of challenges that you need to overcome while out on the road. Our Driving Guide section is home to a range of articles to help you when behind the wheel.
How to Prevent Your Car From Skidding While Driving
Skidding is where your car loses control and goes into a slide. Learn what causes it and how to prevent it from occurring.
What are the UK Driving Test Manoeuvres?
Learn how to control your car in tight spaces and what you need to do to pass each manoeuvre as part of your driving test.
Car Stuck in Mud? These Methods Will Get You Unstuck
Car stuck in the mud? Learn actionable tips and tricks to get your vehicle back on the road in this handy guide.
Guide: Tips for Driving Safely and Avoiding Accidents
This thorough guide explores the best tips for driving safely, and lists what you should and shouldn't do in order to avoid accidents.
How to Drive on a Dual Carriageway
Discover the key rules for navigating dual carriageways, including speed limits, overtaking, and guidance for learner drivers.
Guide: How to Safely Use a Seatbelt While Driving
Wearing a seatbelt while on the road is a legal requirement to ensure safety. Discover the laws and how to safely use a seatbelt in more detail.
What Are Driving Licence Endorsements and How to Understand Them
Discover everything you need to know about UK driving licence endorsements, including the different types and what they mean.
Give Way and Stop Signs in the UK Explained
This article explores the different types of signs and explains what you're expected to do when coming across each one of them.
Eyesight Requirements for Driving: What You Need to Know
This guide will explore the eyesight requirements for driving in the UK and explain how the eye test works and how well your vision needs to be.
How to Overtake | A Guide to Overtaking Safely on the Road
Learn how to safely and legally overtake slower moving traffic to ensure the safety of yourself and other road users when carrying out this manoeuvre.
Red Routes Explained
Learn the rules and benefits of red routes in the UK, including red route clearways, and parking on single and double red lines.
Disability Parking Bays: A Guide to Parking With a Blue Badge
Following the rules to disabled parking bays is crucial to provide fair chances to people with mobility restrictions. This guide provides an insight to the rules and potential fines.
10 Essential Tips for Learning to Drive in the UK
Learning to drive in the UK? Discover all the information you need to boost your confidence on the road and pass your driving test.
Traffic Light Rules Explained UK: What You Need to Know
This guide will walk you through the main traffic light rules and the possible penalties you may face, in case you fail to follow them.
Guide to UK Toll Roads and Bridges
We look at toll roads in the UK, along with the most frequently asked questions surrounding them.
What are Level Crossings and How Do They Work?
There are mainly three different types of level crossings in the UK. This guide will explore each type in detail and provide advice on how to cross them safely.
UK Speed Limits Explained
Stay informed and discover everything you need to know about speed limits and penalties to keep you safe on the road.
How to Drive a Manual Car | A Guide for Beginners
Learn how to drive a manual car including how to stop and start, change gears, driving on a hill, and frequently asked questions.
How to Do a Hill Start in a Manual and Automatic Car
Hill start is a manoeuvre new drivers are expected to perform on their tests. This guide will walk you through all the steps you need to know.
Manual vs Automatic Cars: Which Is Better?
We explore the differences between manual and automatic gearboxes in cars to help you make an informed decision on your next vehicle.
Hyundai KONA vs Hyundai TUCSON
Hyundai Kona or Tucson? Find which vehicle fits best your lifestyle on this complete guide, where we compare the two models and highlight their pros and cons.
How to Pass Your Theory Test
Discover all the essential tips and information you need to help you pass your theory driving test first time.
What Are Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and How to Identify Them?
Low Traffic Neighbourhood is a scheme that aims at transforming quiet roads into healthier, cleaner and greener areas by blocking motored vehicles from driving through it.
How To Pass Your Practical Driving Test
Is your practical driving test coming up? Discover our top tips to help you relax before your test and pass with flying colours.
What Is a City Car and Why Are They Useful?
City cars provide several benefits to commuters and city drivers. This article explores the main advantages of owning one and the best options on the market.
Can You Park on a Single Yellow Line?
We explore the rules of parking on single yellow lines, including restrictions, fines, and essential tips to navigate parking in the UK.
How to Demist Your Windscreen Quickly
Learn all the pro-tips to demist your windscreen quickly to ensure a safer journey for yourself and other on the road.
How to Drive in Snow and Ice
Planning to drive in the snow? Stay safe with tips on preparation, safe driving, and handling snowy and icy conditions.
What is the London Congestion Charge?
Learn everything you need to know about London's Congestion Charge, including how much it is, how to pay, and who is exempt.
Can You Drive Without Car Insurance?
Car insurance is a legal requirement to ensure the driver and third-party are covered in the event of an accident. This guide explores in depth the need for car insurance.
What is EURO NCAP? Car Safety Rating Explained
Euro NCAP is an independent car safety assessment that tests and rates how safe new vehicles are to drivers, occupants and pedestrians.
Driving in Fog: Tips For a Safe Journey
This guide goes through the main tips for driving safely in the fog. Learn what you should and shouldn't do when driving in this weather.
What is ULEZ? London's Ultra Low Emission Zone Explained
Discover everything you need to know about London's Ultra Low Emission Zone and how it affects you.
What is Torque in Cars and How to Measure it
A car's torque measures the force it needs to accelerate. This guide will explore what torque is and how efficient it makes your car.
On-street Parking Legislation Explained
Parking rules are hard to remember. This guide explains where you can and can't park and the value of fines you could face.
What To Do After A Car Accident
Many are unsure what to do after a car accident, so we've written this handy guide to assist should you experience one.
Drug Driving Laws in the UK | What Are the Limits?
We outline the UK's drug driving and safety laws, including the limits for prescription and illegal drugs and the potential penalties.
Rare Road Signs in the UK and What They Mean
We highlight some of the most uncommon road signs found across the strategic road network in England, Scotland, and Wales.
What is Hypermiling? | Techniques for Fuel Efficient Driving
Browse our top tips and techniques for hypermiling, so you can drive more fuel efficiently and reduce your vehicle's running costs.
How to Drive an Automatic Car | A Beginner's Guide
View our top tips for driving an automatic car, the difference between automatic and manual cars, and the types of automatic cars.
Best Sat Nav Apps 2023
There are plenty of navigation apps available for your phone, but which ones are really worth your time?
Drivetrains Explained: What are the Different Types?
We take a look at the different types of drivetrains, along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Winter Driving Tips | What to Check Before a Journey
Top tips and advice to prepare your vehicle for driving in rain, snow, and icy conditions during the winter months.
Fog Lights: What Are They and When to Use Them
Discover the top things you need to know about fog lights, including what they're used for, how to turn them on, and when to use them.
Guide To Driving In The Rain
Discover some handy tips for driving in the rain, so you can feel more prepared next time you're driving in wet weather.
Guide to Driving at Night: 8 Tips to Improve Safety
Driving at night can often be a daunting task, but these handy tips can make life easier when it gets dark.
Driving in Spain: Helpful Tips and Advice
Essential information, handy tips, and expert advice for driving in Spain.
Driving in France Checklist: Tips and Requirements
Discover what you'll need to drive in France, along with helpful tips and advice which will also come in handy.
Driving in Italy: Helpful Tips and Advice
Thinking of driving around Italy and its famously beautiful scenery? Make sure you read our helpful hints and advice first.
Know Your Fuel Levels - How Low is too Low?
We look at the reasons why it's probably best to fill up sooner, rather than later.
What Tyres Are Best to Use in Winter?
We take a look at the benefits of winter tyres and why they're the best bet for winter driving.
How to Drive on the Motorway
From smart motorways to using lanes in the correct manner, here are our top tips and bits of advice for driving on the motorway.
Can You Drive a Minibus?
Ever wondered if you're able to drive a minibus or unsure about tachograph requirements? Find out everything you need to know here.
Hand Signals a Police Officer May Use
Learn more about the hand signals a police officer may use in the event of heavy congestion, a road traffic collision or unique circumstances.
What is a Car Winter Pack?
Read our article to find out what is included in a winter pack, and the essentials you should keep in your car when driving at winter.
Driving Myths - Beat the Winter Weather
When the winter weather rolls around, we're often left searching for tips to beat it. We've debunked the most common winter driving myths to help you stay safe while out on the road.
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems make cars safer and the roads safer, but what are the different systems and how do they work?
Car Safety: Travelling with a Dog in the Car
Keeping your dog safe is the number one priority when travelling with them in a car, here's how to ensure they're safe and comfortable.
Guide to Towing
Find out everything you need to know about towing with a car or pickup truck, whether it's a caravan or a trailer.
Brakes: What's Stopping You?
We created a guide that covers everything you need to know about one of the most important components on your vehicle: the brakes.
Guide: How to Keep Your Children Safe in the Car
Some top tips and helpful advice around things you can do to keep your kids safe and comfortable during car journeys long or short.
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