Wanting to sell your car in Treforest?
At Evans Halshaw we understand that choosing where to sell your car to can be confusing. You want the best price, and a simple process. So why not sell your car to Evans Halshaw Treforest?We’ll buy your car and guarantee to give you the best possible price, irrespective of its make, model or condition. Simply fill in our online valuation form and we’ll instantly send you a quote. If you’re happy to proceed with selling your car, then arrange an appointment with us at Evans Halshaw Treforest, or one of our other 80 locations across the UK.
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Can You Sell a Car With Outstanding Finance?
30 Mar 2023
Why not try our Sell Your Car?
Discover a simple and hassle-free way to sell your car. Our Sell Your Car service is for anyone looking to get the best possible price for their car.
If you choose to sell your car to us, you’ll have no obligation to buy one from us and you won’t get charged any admin fees. Come direct to Evans Halshaw, follow our 4 step process and enjoy the convenience of our Sell Your Car service.
Get a Valuation & Sell Your Car
Other 3rd party online valuation tools take a cut from your car's value before they sell them on to auction houses, who then take a cut before selling these cars to us. By cutting out the middlemen and selling your car directly to Evans Halshaw, you can sell your car for more. View our FAQ section for more information.