The hassle-free way to sell your car
Looking to sell your car in Edinburgh, Midlothian? There's no better place to bring it than your nearest Evans Halshaw retailer.
With convenient locations across the area, selling your vehicle is hassle-free, with no need to travel too far.
We'll buy any make or model, no matter the age or mileage, and you can sell with confidence knowing there are no admin fees involved. Plus, if your car has outstanding finance, we can take care of that too.
Selling your car is as easy as 1-2-3
Our simple, 3-step process ensures you go from valuation to money-in-the-bank in as little as 72 hours.
Enter your reg number & vehicle details into our online tool to receive a free, instant valuation.
Happy with your price? Gather up your documents and book an appointment at your nearest Evans Halshaw retailer.
A friendly associate will do a quick inspection, confirm the price and finalise the paperwork - you’ll receive your money within three working days.
Why should you sell your car to Evans Halshaw?
- Our extensive network makes it easy for you to find a location that's convenient for you
- We'll buy any car, regardless of its age and mileage
- We'll provide an accurate market valuation
- No obligation to buy; you can sell your car to us without having to purchase a new one
- We don't charge admin fees
- We'll pay the money directly into your bank account
Rated 'Excellent' with 90,000+ reviews
You're in good hands when you sell your car to us. But don't take our word for it, here's what our customers are saying.
Guides to help you when selling your car
Our handy guides have been created to help you understand more about your options when selling your car.
Can You Part Exchange a Car With Outstanding Finance?
Part exchanging a vehicle with outstanding finance is simple. This article will guide you through the steps and the documents you'll need.
Selling a Car Privately | Everything You Need to Know
Looking to sell your car privately but unsure if it's the right method of sale for you? Our guide will help you make a decision.
Can You Swap Your Car During a Finance Agreement?
Wondering whether you can change your car whilst in an existing finance agreement? Discover your option in this handy guide.
The Step-by-Step Guide: How to Transfer Car Ownership
This guide explores the steps you need to take to transfer the ownership of a vehicle, whilst listing and explaining the documents you'll need.