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Jeep Warranty 

Learn more about warranty for new and approved used Jeep vehicles

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Jeep Standard Warranty

The manufacturer provides a standard warranty upon the purchase of any brand-new car. This policy covers any service, repair, replacement of defective parts and any costs related to labour and replacement parts necessary for the maintenance to be performed.

The coverage begins from the moment the vehicle is registered, and Jeep’s standard warranty package varies according to the type of maintenance required. The repair or replacement of the defective part for 24 months, manufacturing defects that concern the paint for 36 months, and perforation due to corrosion from the inside out for seven years.

The warranty can be extended for an extra year with the same coverage as the standard package, which included 24/7 roadside assistance, manufacturer trained technicians and original parts.

Flex Care

Front quarter shot of a white Jeep Grand Cherokee with the northern lights added to the background

It’s possible to extend Jeep’s standard warranty for up to three years after the end of the original policy term with the Flex Care program. The Flex Care guarantees the same coverage as the standard package where you’ll still benefit from expert technicians trained by the manufacturer and original parts.

Maximum Care

Essential Service

Designed to act as a supplement to your standard warranty, the Maximum Care aims at keeping your vehicle’s electrical and mechanical components covered. Available for up to five years, this plan coverers costs to parts and labour required to perform the service.

Some of the items you’ll be covered by this policy are:

  • Engine, gearbox, fuel system
  • Suspension and brakes
  • Security, safety, air conditioning and engine cooling systems
  • Electrical components
  • Instrumentation and steering


What’s included in a Jeep warranty?

Side shot of a white Jeep Wrangler parked on some cobbles

There are a range of benefits to Jeep's warranty. Some advantages covered by the policy are:

  • Roadside assistance
  • Original parts
  • Manufacturer trained technicians
  • Labour time
  • Supply of the necessary consumables